Get the last news from the African continent

November 26, 2015

Energy Africa Conference Speakers Connect Energy and Development

Perhaps it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Golden, Colorado sees its fair share of annual international conferences. Craft and corporate breweries make the landscape nearly […]
November 15, 2015

State of the African Continent 2016

In association with several organizations, including the University of Denver’s Students for Africa and Africa Initiatives, this week the Africa Agenda organization is bringing together entrepreneurs, […]
October 21, 2015

Lessons Learned at Colorado Africa Summit

Last November, Africa Agenda brought local experts and activists together to critically discuss American relationships with Africa in the first-ever “Colorado Summit.” The summit followed the […]
October 20, 2015

The Women’s Bakery and Possibility-Driven Media in Rwanda

There is more to Rwanda than most articles, news outlets, and publications reveal. More than highly touted government initiatives, it is stories – layer on top of layer – that are proving that Rwandans are the ones changing and bringing possibility, innovation, and empowerment to their ‘land of a thousand hills’. This particular story is about bread.
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