Masai Ujiri, the first African-born general manager of a major American sports team, recently accepted the NBA Executive of the Year award. The NBA Executive of […]
One hundred and thirty people, many of them students from the University of Colorado at Boulder, gathered for an Uhuru Child benefit concert on April 25. […]
Golden, Colorado-based International Development Enterprises (iDE), works with the private sector, employing unique technologies such as drip irrigation and the treadle pump to improve farming as […]
As if to say the world is not doing enough about Africa’s burgeoning business and investment opportunities, the Global Commerce Forum, which debuted the annual Energy […]
At the 25th annual Colorado Association of Black Journalists (CABJ) Media and Scholarship Banquet held in Denver, August 24. U.S. Forest Service supervisor, Jerri Mar was honored […]
[media-credit name=”Aurora Mental Health” align=”alignleft” width=”300″][/media-credit]According to Mike Lamp at Colorado Public Radio, the Aurora Mental Health Center is hosting meetings for Spanish speakers and refugees […]
[media-credit name=”Bonfils Blood Center” align=”alignnone” width=”350″][/media-credit] The Africa Agenda organization wishes to express our condolences to the people of Aurora, Colorado following the senseless shooting that […]