What’s Happening – COVID-19 & The News



These are difficult times for all of us in the United States, in the African continent, and around the world as COVID-19, the coronavirus disrupts our lives. Please know that we have you in mind during these challenging times.

Let’s all follow the advice of our health, government officials, to help combat the spread of the disease. Our prayers are for the safety of everyone, first and foremost!

As an organization, we remain committed to our mission of improving the delivery of African news worldwide. This is huge, but it comes in incremental steps. We have taken the first steps by recognizing there is a problem, and now we are on our way to making bold changes to African news.

Despite our size and the shoestring budget we operate on, we’re focusing on what is important. We laid out our 2020 plans several months ago. Part of the plan is to put our efforts on the development of a fact-checking system, a stereotype checker and a perception scorecard for African news. Stay with us!

While other plans, such as events scheduled for April and May are on hold, pending the improvement of the coronavirus situation, we remain engaged through our content website, Africa News Matters, and on social media – Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn. These are the places where the bulk of our activities come alive. Please check out these channels to see the things we are dealing with. Links are included below for a quick access.

We value your partnership and feedback!

For now, we ask that you stay safe!

George Bamu

Founder/Executive Director

Archived Messages from our Director

Africa News Night on World Press Freedom Day 2019! 

Great Africa News! 

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