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[media-credit name=”Aurora Mental Health” align=”alignleft” width=”300″][/media-credit]According to Mike Lamp at Colorado Public Radio, the Aurora Mental Health Center is hosting meetings for Spanish speakers and refugees to help them cope with the shooting that occurred July 20 in Aurora, Colorado.
“The shock of last week’s shootings could be especially hard to handle, for Aurora’s many Latino immigrants and refugees from countries in Africa and Southeast Asia,” Lamp reported.
These meetings are especially helpful to those who need help dealing with stress, fear, and uncertainty but “can find language and cultural barriers in the way.”
According to the information posted on the Aurora Mental Health Center website, they have free crisis counselors available 24 hours a day at 303-617-2300. The information also states that walk in’s are welcome. The center is located at 11059 E. Bethany Dr, Aurora, CO 800014