Africa Agenda – Editorial Policy

Despite the fact that the African continent has some of the fastest growing economies of the world, including a vibrant and increasingly educated population, the lack of optimistic news about the continent continues to discourage social and economic opportunities for engagement.

When the continent is featured in the news the message is usually negative—bordering on war, poverty, and incapacity. Rarely do we see stories of a continent with different countries, perspectives, and cultures. Hardly do we see news with hope, opportunity and possibility.

Because of this and other issues that we’ve outlined on this website and our foundational documents, too many stories about the continent go untold.

Africa Agenda is driven by the need to change this one-sided narrative of African News. We use this website, journalistic tools, and events, including our Africa News Matters website, as platforms for critical engagement and news analysis about the African continent.

This editorial policy aims to build from the tremendous energy and knowledge of volunteer journalists and bloggers across the globe who bring special knowledge, experience, and insights to provide vibrant news and opportunities from within and outside the African continent.

Editorial Supervision

Editorial discretion rests with Africa Agenda’s web editor. The organization reserves the right to make reasonable changes to submitted work for clarity, flow, and consistency. Content submitted that requires substantive edits will be returned for correction.

Diversity of Opinion

Africa Agenda seeks to be inclusive ─ sharing extensive and diverse opinions ─ yet being fair, respectful, and open-minded. However, the organization encourages contributors, as well as commenters and subscribers on its website (s) to show respect for each other. Africa Agenda does not and will not allow profane language to be used on any of its materials, including the Africa Agenda and Africa News Matters websites.

Integrity of Material

Africa Agenda trusts that content submitted by volunteer writers and bloggers will be well researched. We do not approve of content that is false, plagiarized, fictitious, defamatory, sexist, racially offensive, abusive, profane or otherwise offensive in nature.

For opinion pieces, the views expressed by writers are theirs alone and will not reflect the views of the Africa Agenda organization. For example, content published by Africa Agenda that is controversial in nature will not/does mean it is endorsed by this organization. Africa Agenda shall not be held accountable for opinions that are those of the writer.

Copyright and Ownership of Material
Africa Agenda retains the copyright to all material produced or contributed by Africa Agenda writers. Readers may download, use and read such material from the website for personal and non-commercial use, but cannot alter it without permission.

Volunteer writers and bloggers retain the ownership of their articles and/or blog posts but agree to give Africa Agenda the right to publish it on our website. Writers who submit their works to Africa Agenda give the organization the permission to make reasonable changes to articles and blog posts. Reasonable changes that can be made may include grammar, spelling, syntax, and corrections to basic facts that do not change the meaning or intent of the story. If the need arises to make significant changes to a submitted work we’ll seek the writers permission before doing so.

Process for Contributing to Africa Agenda Website

• Interested writers and bloggers should submit a cover letter and resume to  After receipt we will review your application and contact you to set up an interview.
• If selected, Africa Agenda will set up an account through which you’ll receive a Username and Password to proceed.
• When your article or blog post is ready, you’ll be required to submit it online.
• Blog posts or articles will be reviewed and if they meet our editorial criteria they will be published.
• If any information needs verification, the writer will be contacted to make revisions.
• First time writers and bloggers will be required to an avatar(head shot or photo) as well as a brief bio (no more than 3 sentences) of themselves. This information is needed to build the writer’s profile on the website.

Website Content Guideline
Africa Agenda seeks to have a professional website where articles are supported by at least one original source or reference, preferably backed up by secondary sources. If it is an opinion, a point of view or a commentary, we will label it as such. All content for the website should be meeting the following criteria:

• Consistent with the Africa Agenda mission.
• Succinct, clear, engaging, and have a compelling, clear title.
• Use short active sentences.
• Absolutely free of spelling and grammar errors.
• Limited to 8 to 10 paragraphs in length (roughly about 450 words or less). Longer articles will be converted to a PDF file and posted.
• Complemented with at least one photograph or screenshot related to the story. Photos must include the source so that we can get copyright permission and/or attribute it properly.

We encourage our writers to include any relevant video and audio files in articles or blogs that may help tell their stories better. If required please contact us to learn how you may submit a video or an audio file for your blog post.

Writing for Africa Agenda does not equal employment with the organization. All bloggers, interns, and freelancers, for the Africa News Matters website are unpaid volunteers of the organization. Where a payment arrangement exists this by will be clearly defined in a separate editorial arrangement.

Africa Agenda is a registered U.S 501C-3 tax exempt nonprofit organization. It is our policy to not endorse candidates for political office. We do however welcome those seeking public office to our meetings, events, and encourage those in positions of authority or leadership to engage with us on and about the many issues that impact our lives.

If you agree to the above editorial policy, click here to proceed to the next steps

Questions? Please email us: Office at AfricaAgenda dot org

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