Resources for the Media
On this page, you will find our press releases, flyers, brochures, photos, media mentions etc, designed for news media organizations and which relate to our activities. If you are a member of the press and wish to receive our press releases, please email to be included in our press directory.
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News Photographs
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Dr. Chris Fomunyoh(far left), Africa Director at the National Democratic Institute(NDI) at Africa Agenda. December 5, 2009
Dr. Chris Fomunyoh(far left), Africa Director at the National Democratic Institute(NDI) at Africa Agenda. December 5, 2009
The media with members of Africa Agenda at the Elephant Bar in Greenwood Village, CO. 2005
The media with members of Africa Agenda at the Elephant Bar in Greenwood Village, CO. 2005
Africa Agenda Event: How Negative News Impacts the Growth and Development of Africa. 2009
Denver-based jazz musician, Stephanie Hancock at Africa Agenda in 2009
Cameroonian Politician, Jean Jacques Ekindi(sitting), at Africa Agenda. July 8, 2011
Cameroonian Politician, Jean Jacques Ekindi(sitting), at Africa Agenda. July 8, 2011
Africa Agenda Event: Rwandan Progress at Community College of Aurora @ Lowry. May 10,2012