- Ahmad Ahmad Elected As New CAF President - January 1, 2021
- Author Emma Eminash Explains How Africans Navigate America Life - May 20, 2017
- In Case You Missed It: 4/3/17 – 4/12/17 - April 12, 2017

Denver African Immigration Attorney Explains DACA
October 12, 2012
Opinion: U.S. Politics, Leave Mali Alone!
October 27, 2012[media-credit name=”Freedom House” align=”alignleft” width=”300″][/media-credit]
The last presidential debate before Election Day on November 6 will be heavy on foreign policy, we are told. As Election Day in America draws closer and closer, “everyone” closely following the race, has their own questions for the presidential candidates.
On October 16, Freedom House, ‘an independent watchdog organization dedicated to the expansion of freedom around the world,” posed 16 sharp questions for Barack Obama and Mitt Romney to answer. Freedom House did so in anticipation of what it thinks would be a much-heated debate on Monday, October 22 between the two candidates for the U.S. presidency.
Bob Schieffer, CBS newsman and moderator of “Face The Nation,” will moderate the October 22 debate.
The Atlantic magazine has weighed in with 10 Legal Questions it wants Bob Schieffer to ask the candidates. On the other hand, instead of questions, the website Mediate has “The Five’s Warning To Bob Schieffer For Final Debate.”
The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza thinks, “In close presidential race, foreign-policy debate likely to prove pivotal.” Cilizza says just a few months ago this idea would have seemed laughable.
So, let’s stay on foreign policy since the debate will be focused on foreign policy.
Thus far, we’ve heard much about Northern Africa in the aftermath of the Benghazi attack on September 11. We’ve heard much also about Egypt and the resultant demonstrations in the aftermath of the internet video which defamed Islam and the prophet Muhammad.
What we have not heard much about is Sudan. What we have not heard about is also sub-Saharan Africa; the area of Africa that lies south of the Sahara. It encompasses much of what is referred to as Black Africa. Today, the region is an economic powerhouse and the place for huge investments in technology, infrastructure, business, and trade with the United States of America.
Since he came into office in 2009, President Obama’s policies in Africa have been heavily geared towards sub-Saharan Africa. Recently the administration has worked to craft new policies targeted toward that part of the world. Except in policy speeches, the president has said little about sub-Saharan Africa during the campaigns.
The Romney campaign also has its own strategy for sub-Saharan Africa, and Sudan is in the mix of it too.
So, the question is: Will Sub Saharan Africa come up in a debate on October 22? If it does, what will it be about? And who will be the first to bring up talk of Sudan, Ghana, or perhaps South Africa, Liberia, the DRC, or Mali in the debate?
- Ahmad Ahmad Elected As New CAF President - January 1, 2021
- Author Emma Eminash Explains How Africans Navigate America Life - May 20, 2017
- In Case You Missed It: 4/3/17 – 4/12/17 - April 12, 2017